Signing up for a race can greatly motivate anyone looking to lose weight. Running for weight loss and setting a few months out goal will provide more accountability to keep you on track. You’ll be less likely to give up after a week if you have paid a race fee, chosen a training plan, and committed to yourself and your support group that you will make it to the starting line. A training plan that will get you race-ready in twelve to fourteen weeks is the best tool to ensure you’re increasing mileage smartly while taking out the guesswork about where your fitness should be leading up to the race. However, there are many things to remember when following these plans before you start.
How to use running for weight loss: The Dos
When you start your training, following the following recommendations will help ensure your goals stay on track.
Do pick the proper distance and training plan for You
The first decision you’ll have to make is what distance you want to choose for your race. Many people who prefer a marathon as their first mission don’t reach the starting line. A marathon requires 30-40 hours a week to train for your first one. At the same time, depending on your fitness level and experience with running, a 5k might not be challenging enough. Half marathons are generally achievable by most, with the proper time allowed for training.
There are several plans available online for whatever distance race you’re attempting. You’ll be able to find a training plan to follow that will get you ready to go in a matter of weeks. It will be vital that you research all of the available options and pick a plan that looks realistic for your goals. Hal Higdon is a popular website with training plans for races of all distances and runners of all ability levels. This site offers free training plans you can download and print at home. Remember to carefully read the details of all the plans available because the site will spell out each plan very clearly and give you several options.
Many plans offer variations for runners of different experience levels. If you’ve never run a race before, pick a plan for new runners and don’t jump in on something too advanced. Running for weight loss also requires reviewing and understanding each plan’s time commitment. If you know you can only dedicate 5-10 hours a week to training, then the 14-week, 40-mile-per-week advanced plan for a marathon will not work.
For your first race, you can consider only evaluating plans with mileage requirements, not pace or speed work. This means the plan should say to run a specific distance each day, but it does not prescribe the pace you need to run. Your goal should be to become race-ready by the end of the training period. You can wait a few race experiences before worrying about training for a specific time goal.

Do plan the Run, then Run the plan
Once you’ve picked your plan, it’s time to set out on your run. Every training plan will gently increase mileage over the weeks leading up to the race. You mustn’t overdo it. In the first couple of weeks, there may be runs on your plan that are only two or three miles, and it may be tempting to ignore the set distance if you’re feeling good and stay out for a few extra miles. This will only lead to bad results because you must follow the mileage increments plan unless you’ve been running regularly for a long time. Sure, two miles may seem too easy when you’re eager to get started, but overdoing it at the beginning can make you ripe for injury and demotivate you when you get to the heavier weeks that are surely coming up. If you set out to run two miles, run two miles! Then, go home.
Want to lose weight? Do fuel your body properly
Runners get “hungry,” especially when training for a big race. Going out for four or five runs a week, combined with cross-training, strength training, and daily stretching exercises, will burn many calories. You must understand how to properly fuel your body to sustain this increased demand as you prepare for the race.
It can be very tempting to give yourself a pass on eating healthily. “I ran 10 miles today and then did yoga. I can eat that whole thing of ice cream; I deserve it.” We’ve all been there, negotiating with ourselves to reward our efforts and feed the cravings as we burn through our glycogen stores. Remember that your original goal for choosing this race was to lose weight. That means you must carefully watch calories in and out and all macro-nutrients like protein, fat, and carbs. It will be familiar to find yourself in a state of constant hunger. You must acknowledge that and then turn to the essential nutrition and weight loss rules before deciding what to eat.
Many people set out to lose weight by running a marathon, but by race day, they find that while their bodies have become amazingly productive and capable due to the training, they haven’t lost a pound. This typical result can come from not balancing nutritional education against cravings and hunger pangs. While your training plan will help you plan the runs you need to do each week, you also need to plan your meals, nutrition goals, and solutions to hunger. You will always run better if you snack on healthy items like vegetables with hummus, fruit, or healthy grains than if you binge on junk food after a long run, telling yourself you deserve it.
Hydration is also essential. Hydrating correctly before a run is critical, but it is also important to soak up some much-needed water in the hours after a run to replace everything you lost. If you are training for a half-marathon distance or longer, you may also want to consider energy gels or other strategies for nutrition that you can carry with you on your long runs or at the race itself. Every runner responds to energy gels differently, so you must test them out and find something that works for you. Don’t try anything new on Race Day!

Do be present on your Run
Many new runners instinctively put headphones on for each run. They buy accessories to attach their phones to their arms or waists so they can wirelessly connect their headphones and be entertained with music or podcasts while running. This strategy may work and provide some relief during the gruelling and lonely long runs on a complete marathon plan. But if you look at the field of runners coming in under the 4-hour threshold on a marathon course, you’ll probably notice that very few are wearing headphones.
Headphones are a distraction. Yes, that might be precisely why you want to use them, but distractions are things to be removed from the path that leads towards your goals. Running for weight loss without music can bring new attention to things you may never have noticed if you only ran with noise. You’ll get great information about your running form if you hear your feet hitting the ground. Maybe one of your feet drags a little mid-stride. You’ll never know that if you always run with headphones, but the peace from running without the distraction lets you learn more about how you’re running. You’ll also benefit from focusing on how you feel and what you’re doing.
Running is an intricate and complicated full-body activity. Runners should not think of it as a mechanical thing they can do on autopilot. You need to be able to focus on your breath, form, and body to get the full benefits. Listening to music or podcasts is just an attempt to multitask while running, which isn’t the best way to train. Instead of multitasking, try giving the run your full attention.
Do recover appropriately between runs for better weight loss
Rest and recovery in between runs are critical. Your preparation for your next run starts the minute your current run ends. That means not skimping on a thorough stretching routine. It means refuelling correctly, starting with post-run hydration and following through with your nutrition commitments for your meals between runs. It means resting up and getting enough sleep every night to give yourself the best possible opportunity to go out strong on the next run. None of those can be sacrificed, and each needs proper attention as a component of your training. If you feel you haven’t rested or recovered sufficiently from a run, pushing through the next run is not a good idea.
In addition to rest, there are many other ways to improve recovery, especially after a brutal long run. Massage is an excellent complement to hard training. Traditional sports massage will focus on soothing your sore muscles and help you work out any problematic sore areas. You can also try lymphatic drainage massage, a technique that uses soft touch and slow, gentle cycles of pressure to facilitate detoxification of the body through the lymph node system. This technique helps you relax while bringing added benefits like improving your immune system.

Do enjoy the process of running for weight loss
Training for a race should be fun. If you treat it like a job or think of it as a punishment, you can take a step back and consider your goals. Running takes some getting used to, but once you’ve built up a base of miles, running should be pleasant. If not, you can consider some strategies to improve your enjoyment of the process. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re not likely to stick with it until race day.
One such strategy could be finding a company. Whether running with a friend or a partner or joining a running club, turning your training into a group activity is a great way to share accountability and increase your chances of following through—one warning: at least some runs must be on your own. You need to develop your running strength at the right pace, achieving speed and mileage goals that align with your training plan and not someone else’s.
Another way to enjoy the process is to diversify the locations of your runs. You might be at your happiest just running around your neighbourhood. But if you can access trails or scenic areas within a reasonable drive, you could consider heading out further to do some training runs. Changes in scenery, especially if the scenery in question is green and pretty, can do wonders for the enjoyment level of your run.
Running for weight loss: The Don’ts
Now, let’s look at some things to avoid before the training plan’s benefits become disadvantages.
Don’t play catch if you miss a Run
Training plans can be addictive. You’ll probably have the calendar view of the plan printed out and attached to your refrigerator, excitedly crossing off each run as Race Day gets closer. As a rule, if you miss a run, don’t try to make it up. Just move on with the plan.
There are some scheduling things you can do without interrupting training. If you typically do your long runs on Saturday, but you know an upcoming event will make that impossible, there’s no harm in moving the run a day earlier or later. However, if you miss a run because you didn’t have time over a day to complete it, adding the missed miles to the next day’s run is not a good idea. Just move on. Piling up the miles will cause you to run longer distances than you’re ready for, which increases the risk of burnout or can cause frustration or wanting to give up on the plan entirely if you can’t handle the longer mileage. Again, move on and start the next day’s run as planned.

Don’t obsess over statistics
Running is a sport that is full of valid numbers. It can be very easy to become overly concerned or even obsessed with the different data points you’ll have available.
Another key area of unimportant attention is pace. Every running app, every race time calculator, puts pace at the forefront. Pace is essential for advanced runners training towards a specific time goal. Pace should not be considered the most crucial statistic for newer runners going through the training plan to get introduced to the sport, get in shape, and lose weight. You want to be sure that your workouts are challenging, and you want to feel like you are pushing yourself. Whether that is happening at a sub-8-minute mile or a sub-12-minute mile doesn’t matter for now. All that matters is keeping your commitments to yourself to execute the plan and make it to the starting line.
Don’t Run hurt
This may seem obvious, but if you’re hurt, don’t run. Runners can get too attached to their training plans and the races they’re training for. If it’s a big race like the London Marathon, the runner will likely have committed to a charity team to participate in the race and will have asked friends and family for donations to support their entry. All of this leads to unnecessary pressure on the runner to finish the race, leading to obsession over the training plan, even to the point of putting yourself in danger.
If you get injured, you must recover properly before running again. You might hear advice from other runners telling you to “run through it”. Sometimes, that might be a solution, especially if the injury is a sore muscle or something less serious. If you feel sharp pain corresponding to a foot strike or find yourself adjusting your gait to avoid a painful stride, you need to rest and recover or even seek medical advice before you can restart training. The race you are training for is unnecessary compared to your overall health and ability to reach your long-term goals.
Don’t worry about the race itself
Another common pitfall for new runners is that they work themselves up into a frenzy of nerves regarding the race itself. Whether it has to do with pride, performance, fear of injury or not finishing, or anything else, don’t lose sight of the fact that the race itself is just the icing on the cake that awaits you at the end of this journey.
Getting to the starting line versus getting to the finishing line is essential. Remember that your goal was not to win the race but to improve your health and lose weight. The training that you’ll do in the weeks and months leading up to the race is the activity that will help you reach that goal, not the race itself. The actual accomplishment will be making it to the starting line, feeling confident and ready to run. The race will be fun and invigorating, but it is just an event; it is not the goal.
Once the race ends, you’ll forget all about whatever pre-race jitters made you anxious. You’ll be able to wear your medal with pride, knowing that the entire journey impacted you, not just the race that morning.
Running has helped so many runners reach their fitness goals. As compound exercises go, it has it all. You can burn tonnes of calories, increase your cardiovascular fitness, and clear out the cobwebs in your head. Putting that all together into a training plan to prepare for a big race is also a great way to commit to a disciplined schedule and ensure that you keep at it. The real accomplishment is completing the training plan and getting to the race’s start line. Once you cross the finish line, the medal you get will feel like an accessory to the winning you’ve done to get there!